Վանա Կատվի Հետքերով: In The Footsteps of Van Cats: По Следам Ванской Кошки

Գլխավոր էջ » 2013 » Հոկտեմբեր » 6 » ARMENIAN VAN CAT
This is for smart assholes, solving their stupid geo/political ambitions with trying to prove there's no breed called VAN CAT or CAT VAN or VAN, or ALAS officially Turkish Cat Van and arguing this with the "FACT" the cats of this breed do not swim on their own, while hunting fishes or jut having any interest to go inside the water.. They say VAN CAT is just a kind of version of angora /ankara/ cat.. and what is remarkable, they have had started to destroy the breed inside Turkey and mix it with albino angoras, to prove the shit they say. They have even built a "scientific institution" near the city of VAN, on VAN lake shore.. The mistake started at the very beginning of the recognition of breed, when Lady Laura Lashington made a vital mistake declaring this is a Turkish cat . Turkey is a name of a country which JUST appeared on the world map in 1918, and this cat lives and had lived on this territories for centuries, I BELIEVE for Millenniums !!! Smart it would be to call the breed Urartu cat, Aratta cat, if the need to mention the region or the country was and still is THAT VITAL- the city of VAN/BIAINI was the capital of Urartu/Aratta/Biaini Khalili in 8-6 centuries B.C... and then there were countries like Armenia, East Roman Empire, Iran, Arab Khaliphat, Greece, Seljuks, Mongols..,.. Iran again, Ottoman Empire.. So let us call the breed with all of these names..Poor cat! VAN is VAN and CAT is a CAT.. But if the assholes I mentioned above are going to destroy the breed for their political ambitions..they are welcomed to try and I am going to call the breed Armenian Cat Van and breed the cat in this part of the region called Armenia and keep it regenerating as an endemic breed of my country!

Դիտումներ: 918 | Ավելացրեց: Armenian_Van_cat | - Վարկանիշ -: 5.0/2
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